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Faux détecteur de fumée avec caméra cachée HD-TVI

Fake Smoke detector with HD-TVI hidden camera

  • 249.95 $
  • Availability: 1 In Stock
  • Sku: SPT-TVI-SMK3

Compatible with all HD-TVI digital video recorder, this camera will provide an exceptional video quality. Smoke detectors can easily be install where anything else cannot, for example, into the hallway,...


Compatible with all HD-TVI digital video recorder, this camera will provide an exceptional video quality. Smoke detectors can easily be install where anything else cannot, for example, into the hallway, corridors it could even be placed over a cash register.

It is powered by a 12 volts power supply and connected over a coaxial cable to the DVR, this type of camera, installed permanently, will provide to the user a peace of mind for a long time.

*Power supply and coaxial cable are sold separately.